Saturday, December 26, 2009


If God is love, why is there hell?

How do I avoid hell -- by faith or through good works or both?

If I don't believe the right thing because I'm confused or misunderstood the message, am I still morally culpable before God?

Does salvation consist of simply mental acceptance of a list of propositional statements? If not, what does it consist of? If so, isn't that a stupid criterion for humanity's eternal fate?

Am I to blame for my depression or is God?

Does a loving God send those who commit suicide to hell without a trial?

Why did God exclude cripples from entering the temple?

Why are there two different accounts of Judas' death in the Bible?

Why, in the Greek, does Matthew say that Jesus wrote into Jerusalem on two donkeys?

Why doesn't God reveal Himself more frequently and to more people?

Why does God hold people morally blameworthy for not "being in personal relationship with him" when He often seems quieter and more distant than any other person I know?

Why did God love Jacob, but hate Esau?

Why did Jesus talk like a racist when confronted by the gentile woman?

Why does the gospel of John have the highest Christology if not because the church evolved Jesus into more and more of a deity?

Are the bounds of orthodoxy flukes of history? Are they arbitrary?

If God leads Christians by the Holy Spirit, then why do so many of them disagree on so much?

Why does Paul seemingly teach that Adolf Hitler's Nazi regime was ordained by God in Romans 13?

On what moral grounds did God kill Uriah? Is God above morality?

Why would God use a brutal, bloody process such as evolution to create the world into what it is today?

If Jesus came to bring the kingdom to earth, then why am I living in a hell hole?

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