Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Autumn is here officially. Sixty was the high today and I reached back into my closet for a sweater I haven't worn since early spring. This is my favorite time of the year. October is hands down the best month -- carmeled apples, football, flannel, hot cups of java, hay rides, and love.

Why love? Because I fell in love in the fall nine years ago with a new freshman who had just arrived on the campus of Greenville College. I had overheard some guys in my dorm talking about who they were going to ask out and the name Courtney Probst popped up. "Not before I do" was my thought as I raced across campus to write a note on the dry erase board hanging on her door. I scribbled some nervous, banal comment like, "Hi, this is Greg. I hope you remember me. We should hang out sometime. Call me."

It all worked out in the end. We walked to the local Marathon station, drank some cheap pumpkin spice cappuccino, talked about our favorite books, and I fell head over heels in love. It's a good thing my classes were easy that semester in the fall of 2000 because I couldn't focus on anything but her. She made me chicken soup when I got a cold. I picked her up after her shift at Hardee's and we drove out to Patriot's park to look at the stars. It was a classic college romance that, if sprinkled with some unrealistic witty banter, would probably smell of a B-rated Jennifer Aniston movie.

Now nine years later I find myself with the same woman. We've graduated from college, lived in six different apartments/houses, taught English in China for a year, had two girls, weathered the storms of seminary finals, and moved to the inner city. But we're still going strong. She knows me very well -- too well -- since she's seen me at my worst. Yet she continues to love me. Likewise, I love her more than ever despite seeing her bad moments.

Autumn is upon us and as I watch the fall leaves change color and switch from drinking frapuccinos to cappuccinos, I fall in love again. And I thank God for my life partner that has been with me these nine autumns and counting.

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