Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Counter-Intuitive Holiness

Quote of the day comes from Charles Finney: "Too long has the church been in the habit of thinking that the great design of the gospel is to save men from the punishment of sin, whereas its real design and object is to deliver men from sin."

As I have been reading from the great figures of the nineteenth century holiness movement lately, I have had a burning question in my mind: Why is the experience of entire sanctification so rare in my own context? I live in the heart of holyland -- Wilmore, Kentucky -- and yet do not hear testimonies of this experience. So far in my three years here, I've only heard one person claim to have been entirely sanctified. Why is this so rare?

I know that I too need this experience and I seek it eagerly. I do not know for how long I must cry out to God for him to take away my corruption. But I do know that I cannot find it by merely trying harder. It is a gift of God given in His own time. The quotes below speak to this.

"You must not say or write down a resolution in your journal that 'I will pray more.' You cannot force it. But let the axe come to the root of the tree; cut down the carnal mind. How can you cut it down? You cannot, but let the Holy Spirit of God come with the condemnation of sin and the Cross of Christ, and give over the flesh to the death, and the Spirit of God will come in." - Charles G. Finney, Sermons on Gospel Themes, 1876

"If one expects to become holy by his own efforts... the thought of arriving at such a state is one of the most fantastic ideas that ever entered the human mind. If there is no means of being sanctified but by forcing my way, by dint of personal effort... I may as well give over the struggle first as last. Whatever my natural powers may be, I shall never obtain victory in this manner. But if, on the other hand, I am permitted to hear the voice of Christ... entering into a covenant with me, it is an entirely different circumstance." - Asa Mahan, Christian Perfection, 1875

Oh God, help me to let go, stop striving so hard, and learn to simply hear your voice. This alone can bring me salvation.

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